We custom make Aerated Compost Tea and Compost Extract and can deliver and apply it for you. Our brewing capacity is anywhere between 5 gallons and 250 gallons, which covers a large yard to 10 acres. On-site brewing and multi-day brewing allows us to make even more tea for areas larger than 10 acres.

We can perform a variety of these applications depending on your needs. As every situation is unique, please contact us for a free consultation and quote.


Surface Drench

For lawns, golf-courses, agricultural fields, and gardens of all types.


Deep Root Injection

For plants with deep roots, especially trees, and helps break up compaction.


Foliar Spray

For plants that are prone to leaf viruses and diseases.

Soil food Web Analysis

We perform microscopic soil food web assessments on compost, compost tea, and soils.

Our staff are trained by Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Soil Food Web School (SFW). The SFW approach to restoring beneficial biology to soils involves the most current research and recommendations in making high quality compost and compost tea.

High quality compost tea starts with biologically diverse compost. Our compost is made using carefully selected ingredients, which ensures a local and diverse set of microbes. By turning the piles at appropriate intervals during the thermal composting stage, only beneficial aerobic microbes thrive. We continually monitor our compost piles with a microscope to confirm there are no harmful microbes. We then allow the compost to age under tree bows, to encourage the growth of fungi.

We only use our own home-grown compost when making our compost teas. We brew using well water, and locally sourced, all-natural microbial foods. After 24-36 hours of brewing, compost tea is ready to be sprayed on plants or injected in to the soil. We can deliver and apply as needed.

Quantities and Pricing

We currently brew between 5 gallon and 250 gallon batches of compost tea/extract. At a rate of 25 gallons/acre, a 5 gallon bucket will cover 800 sq m or ~8600 sq ft of surface drench. Deep root injections use about twice as much liquid.

As it is more economical for us to make larger brews and apply at several sites a day, we recommend you sign up for a program that allows some flexibility for application dates. We typically recommend three applications a year for soils needing restoration (eg. previously treated with chemicals, compacted, used intensively).

As every situation is unique, please contact us for a quote.